Receivers for Fiber Optic Communications Instructor: Dr. John Cartledge, Queen's University
Course Content
Receiver structure and function - structure
- quantum efficiency
- shot noise
- bandwidth
Avalanche photodiodes (APD) - structure
- gain
- excess noise factor
- shot noise
- bandwidth
System performance - pseudo-random bit sequence
- eye patterns
- bit error ratio
- receiver sensitivity
- Q-factor
- noise power
- p-i-n versus APD
- examples of receiver performance
Optically pre-amplified receivers - erbium doped fiber amplifiers
- semiconductor optical amplifiers
- Raman amplifiers
- gain and noise figure
- noise power
- examples of receiver performance
Introduction to transmission impairments - attenuation
- group velocity dispersion
- polarization mode dispersion
- self- and cross-phase modulation
- four-wave mixing
- stimulated Raman scattering
- stimulated Brillouin scattering
- examples of system performance