Ottawa is the home to many of the industry leaders in the Photonics sector-JDS Uniphase, Nortel Networks, Mitel Corporation, OZ Optics, GSI Lumonics, Optiwave Corporation and a hotbed of competitive start-ups. Vitesse Re-SkillingTM Canada is an organic part of Ottawa's creative entrepreunial environment. Our high velocity Photonics training formula includes opportunities ranging from intensive 1-day specialty courses to a 4-day introductory overview. We aim to meet the immediate individual and company re-skilling™ needs in the field of advanced Photonics and Biophotonics. UPCOMING:
NATO Advanced Study Institute Optical Waveguide Sensing & Imaging in Medicine, Environment, Security and Defence October 12-21, 2006, Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Advanced Study Institutes are advanced-level tutorials on a subject given by lecturers of international standing. The objective of the proposed ASI is to build a creative advanced research and learning environment by bringing together world experts, researchers, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows from industry, university and government research organizations, to explore various aspects of both applied research and commercialization of existing and emerging optical waveguide, fiber, micro and nanophotonics imaging and also sensing technologies as well as their current and potential applications in the biomedical sciences, environment, security and defence.
For more information or to find out how to apply, click here
BIOPHOTONICS INTEREST? For Biophotonics-related courses, click here
Short Course Offered: Fundamentals of Bio-Electronics: from cell electricity to biomedical device principles and human body electrical signal measurements
Date Friday, September 9, 2005
Instructor: Dan Cosma, Ph.D.
About the Instructor: Dan Cosma has a Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering from the Technical University of Cluj, Romania, and a specialization in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. During 1994 and 2001, he was teaching Biomedical Signals Measurement and Processing within the Technical University of Cluj, Romania. His main field of research is in dynamic signals measurement and digital signal processing. Dan Cosma is currently working as a consultant in his area of expertise. Course Topics: - Electrical Signals of the Living Cell - Measurement of Electrical Signals in Nerves and Muscles - Measurement of the Heart Generated Electrical Signals - Measurement of the Brain Generated Electrical Signals - Measurement of Other Body Generated Electrical Signals - Electrodes and Bio-Amplifiers - Patient Protection in Electrical Signals Measurement - Electronic Equipment for Measurement and Stimulation of the Heart
NATO Advanced Study Institute Photon-Based Nano-Science & Technology From Atomic Level Manipulation to Materials Synthesis & Nano-Biodevice Manufacturing September 19- 29, 2005, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Advanced Study Institutes are advanced-level tutorials on a subject given by lecturers of international standing. Some of the objectives of this ASI are to explore various aspects of fundamental research on existing and emerging photon-based technologies for atomic level manipulation and nano-materials synthesis, and also to determine the feasibility and the need for developing the next generation of nano-biodevices for bio-diagnostic, therapeutic, environmental and bio-defence applications.