
Optical Waveguide Sensing & Imaging in Medicine, Environment, Security & Defence
October 12 - 21, 2006, Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Organized by
 Scientific Directors
ASI Scientific Secretary
Stoyan Tanev, Assistant Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, E: tanev@sce.carleton.ca |
RATIONALE & OBJECTIVES ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTES are advanced-level tutorials on a subject given by lecturers of international standing.
Rationale The engineering applications of fiber and waveguide optics sensor technologies are an advanced and mature R&D area. It has historically developed before and independently of the optical telecom applications in the late 90’s. Today, the intensity of optical telecom applications has been significantly reduced and the focus has changed to biomedical, environment and defence detection and sensing technologies. The fiber optics sensor engineering community can bring new and fresh ideas for revolutionary cross-disciplinary applications, in particular, in the field of life sciences. Biophotonics sensing and imaging is an emergent R&D area and has made enormous progress in the last decade. Biophotonics advancements and applications in medicine, environment, security and defence have created a new optical sensing paradigm and provide an opportunity for both, the engineering and the life sciences research communities, to jointly contribute to the heath, environment, security and defence challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century. Objective The objective of the proposed ASI is to build a creative advanced research and learning environment by bringing together world experts, researchers, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows from industry, university and government research organizations, to explore various aspects of both applied research and commercialization of existing and emerging optical waveguide, fiber, micro and nanophotonics imaging and also sensing technologies as well as their current and potential applications in the biomedical sciences, environment, security and defence.
Advanced Technology Commercialization Workshop in Optical Imaging and Sensing Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 Organized By: Ottawa-Gatineau University-College Innovation Alliance and the Ottawa Photonics ClusterObjective of Workshop To provide an efficient mechanism for the commercialization of advanced technologies developed by regional, national and international academic and government research organizations. Its main focus will be on commercialization partnerships and business venture development activities by matching the interests of industrial, academic and government research groups, commercialization funding agencies, VCs and angel investors. The morning session will be in the form of a series of invited talks discussing technology transfer and the best practices and issues in of commercialization in Canada, USA, Europe, Asia and Japan. The afternoon session and evening reception will merge into a technology showcase forum. Interested? We invite companies, research organizations, and R&D groups to participate in the event. If you are interested in more information and/or participating in the workshop contact Dr. Stoyan Tanev at tanev@sce.carleton.ca.
Detailed Program and Cost of Workshop
Online registration is now avaiblabe at: Click HERE to download the ASI Flyer