NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE Photon-Based Nanoscience & Technology From Atomic Level Manipulation to Materials Synthesis & Nanobiodevice Manufacturing
September 19 - 29, 2005, Auberge Estrimont, Orford, QC, Canada
Organized by
 Scientific Directors
ASI Scientific Secretary (contact person)
Stoyan Tanev, Ph.D., Program Manager, Photonics & Biophotonics Programs Vitesse Re-SkillingTM Canada Inc. T: 613.254.9880 ext. 228 F: 613.254.9881 E: Stoyan.Tanev@vitesse.ca |
OBJECTIVES ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTES are advanced-level tutorials on a subject given by lecturers of international standing.
The OBJECTIVES of this ASI are: - BUILD a creative advanced research learning environment by bringing together world experts, researchers, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows from industry, academia and government research organizations - EXPLORE various aspects of fundamental research on existing and emerging photon-based technologies for atomic level manipulation and nanomaterials synthesis - EXAMINE the feasibility and the need for developing the next generation of nanobiodevices for biodiagnostic, therapeutic, environmental and biodefense applications - PROVIDE an opportunity for the next generation of scientists to become familiar with the international achievements of nanoscience research and development efforts, which in turn, will allow for further advancement of their research communities' knowledge skills and motivation Click HERE to download the ASI Flyer