Optical Waveguide Sensing & Imaging in Medicine, Environment, Security & Defence
October 12 - 21, 2006, Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Jacques AlbertCanada Research Chair in Advanced Photonic Components Department of Electronics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada Novel sensing mechanisms using tilted fiber Bragg gratings
Xiaoyi BaoUniversity of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada Fiber sensor development for health monitoring of civil structures Francis Berghmans Belgium Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN) Reliability of optical fiber components
Ionising radiation Effects of optical fiber components
Anders Bjarklev Research Center COM, Technical University of Denmark Sensors and active devices based on hybrid photonic crystal fiber and planar structures Wojtek Bock
Canada Research Chair in Photonics Univeristé du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, QC, Canada Optical fiber sensing technologies for explosive detection Leonid Butvina Prohorov GPI RAS, Moscow, Russia FTIR ATR infrared fiber sensors for field environmental and bio-chemical reactor monitoring Rick Claus Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA Self-assembled nanostructured fibers and sensors *will also be giving a talk on the "Commercialization of optical nanotechnologies" at the Advanced Tech Commercialization Workshop on October 16th
Tinko Eftimov Plovdiv University, Sofia, Bulgaria Applications of traditional and long period fber Bragg gratings Israel Gannot Tel Aviv University, Israel and George Washington University, DC, USA Sensors for the smart medical home
Optical fiber nanoparticle bioimaging
Jim Harrington
Rutgers University, NJ, USA Infrared fiber optic sensors Laser power delivery using infrared fiber optics
Scientific misconduct
Ilko Ilev
Food and Drug Administration – Center for Devices and Radiological Health, MD, USA Fiber optic biosensors and nanobiosensors - fundamentals and biomedical applications *will also be giving a talk on "An optical scientist’s view of commercialization opportunities at the FDA" at the Advanced Tech Commercialization Workshop on October 16th Siegfried Janz
Institute for Microstructural Sciences, NRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada Silicon-based microphotonics for biosensing applications
Julian Jones Heriot-Watt University, UK Optical fiber interferometric sensing systems
*will also be giving a talk on "Knowledge transfer and universities: a UK perspective" at the Advanced Tech Commercialization Workshop on October 16th Karl Fridriech Klein Friedberg Gissen University, Germany New analytical applications of UV-waveguides Gas-sensing with Hollow-Core-Waveguides *will also be giving a talk on "Photonics commericialization experiences in Germany" at the Advanced Tech Commercialization Workshop on October 16th Ulrich Krull University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, Canada Optical waveguides as a platform for detection of DNA hybridization Microfluidics for waveguide-based DNA biosensors
Brian MacCraith Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, National Centre for Senior Research, Ireland Enhanced fluorescence-based sensors
Yuji Matsuura Tohuko University, Sendai, Japan Deep UV, x-ray laser and Raman waveguides for medical treatments *will also be giving a talk on the "Biomedical photonics commercialization in Japan" at the Advanced Tech Commercialization Workshop on October 16th
Jessica Ramella-Roman The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA Polarized light imaging of skin surface and sub-surface effects Modeling of polarized light transport into scattering media:Polarized light Monte Carlo
Stoyan TanevCarleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada Simulation tools for light wave scattering and propagation modeling – biomedical and biosensing research implications
Tomasz Wolinski Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Photonic liquid crystal fibers - new sensing opportunities