 Optical Waveguide Sensing & Imaging in Medicine, Environment, Security & Defence
October 12 - 21, 2006, Gatineau, Québec, Canada
Download the Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations Application form for Canadian Graduate Students here
Last updated August 17, 2006
August 17, 2006
We are pleased to announce that CIPI will be providing the registration fees, value of 2 000 $, for a minimum of six students to attend the NATO Optical Waveguide Sensing and Imaging School held from October 12 th to 21st, 2006 in Gatineau, Quebec. You can download the CIPI grant application forms from our website at www.cipi.ulaval.ca. The application deadline for this Summer School grant is September 8th, 2006 at noon
Click HERE to download the ASI flyer