Nikolay Stoev President, Valkom Laser Consulting
Laser Safety 11th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (8:30-16:30, August 19, 2003, Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Canada)
Nikolay Stoev has obtained his P. Eng. Master's degree in Optical Engineering and Research. He has 20 years of experience in optical and laser technologies. From 1995 to 2001, Mr. Stoev has held positions as Staff Scientist, Senior Staff Scientist and Laser Safety Officer at Photonics Research Ontario. He has been a Member of the University of Toronto Laser Safety Committee since 1996. Mr. Stoev has developed a laser safety inspection guide for use at the University of Toronto and advised on the development of the laser safety program. He has also developed the laser safety course for laser users at the University of Toronto and trained more than 300 researchers, technicians and students since 1998. Mr. Stoev has delivered laser safety courses for or in association with IAPA, OHAO, IEEE Instrumentation Chapter, CSA International, TUV Rheinland of North America and companies in Canada and the USA. He has performed numerous laser systems tests and measurements for compliance with both user and manufacturer standards such as ANSI Z136.1, FDA/CDRH 21 CFR Parts 1040.10 and 1040.11, and IEC/EN 60825-1 for Canadian and international clients.
Mr. Stoev is a member of the following: the Canadian subcommittee for IEC/TC 76 "Laser and Optical Radiation Safety" and Working Group IEC/TC76/WG8,the CSA Technical Committee on Laser Safety, the Laser Institute of America and also an advisory member of the Canadian National Committee of CIE. He is also a Licensed Professional Engineer with PEO.