Home > Programs > Soft Skills > Canadian Workplace Practices > Self-Assessment > Workplace Relationships
Workplace Relationships
Description - Understand and work within the dynamics of a team
- Recognize your own and others' contributions
- Clarify team (& individual) goals & ground rules
- Accept and provide feedback in a constructive and considerate manner
- Be flexible; respect and be open to & supportive of the thoughts, opinions, and contributions of others
- Acknowledge people's diversity, individual differences and perspectives
- Lead or support when appropriate - motivating the group in the process - follow through
- Participate in team activities (both formal & informal)
Skills Check-List - Identify the roles in the group, including my own
- Plan and make decisions with others
- Contribute/share key information and ideas to the discussion, activity or project
- Show empathy - understand others' needs, opinions, and points of view
- Cooperate with others to achieve the group's goals
- Deal with differences within the group with respect
- Actively participate in the activities of the group and share the successes
- Provide leadership to the group, if necessary, by motivating the others, taking the initiative, keeping everyone involved and encouraging the group to adapt to change
- Going along with the group's decision
- Accurately read situations and relationships in order to effectively deal with others and get the work done
- Contribute to an enjoyable work environment
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