Polarimetry Workshop in Preparation for RADARSAT-2
Date: November 9 - 10, 2004 Time: 8:45 am - 5:00 pm
Vitesse Re-Skilling Canada Inc., Park Place, Suite #1170, 666 Burrard St. Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8
Following the success of the polarimetric workshop that was held in Montreal and Saskatoon, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) of Natural Resources of Canada and RADARSAT International (RSI) are announcing the continuity of this activity.
Brief Description:
Polarimetry workshop has been designed for beginner level use of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image analysis techniques. The presentations will cover: "simplified" theory of SAR and polarimetry and polarimetric tools. A series of exercises have been prepared to familiarize you with the SAR images and the polarimetric tools. The SOAR data access program for RADARSAT-2 will also be presented.
The workshop fee is $100. Note: Workshop fee includes course material ( a CD that will include lecture notes, image data and the SARP3 freeware) and coffee breaks.
Because of the interactive nature of the workshop, places are limited. Requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis.
Contact Information:
Please send your registration and any questions to Polarimetry.Workshops@space.gc.ca no later than October 22, 2004. Confirmation will be sent by email. Tel: 604 - 231-5000Additional information: http://www.radarsat2.info/