Since its inception in 1996, Vitesse has initiated and promoted innovative talent development for the creative and knowledge-based economy.
Vitesse is strategically positioned to be at the confluence of Education, Industry and Government, bringing together the needs and capabilities of each to the other to meet changing labour market conditions, address immigrant barriers to employment and helping innovative technology start-ups reach successful commercialization.
In working with colleges and universities across Canada and key industry players and government, Vitesse provides agile education to ensure Canadian businesses remain competitive in the global creative and knowledge based economy. Major programs addressing the challenges and skills shortages in various industry sectors include:
- Software Engineering Program
- Photonics Program
- BioTechnology Program
- Environment and Green Technology Initiative
- NATO Advanced Scientific Institute(s)
- Entrepreneurial Hub and Services
Among the awards and acclaims from employers, government and industry, academic institutions, perhaps the most important ones are from the participants -- all of whom have gone on to new careers in hi-tech organizations. Some prestigious formal testimonials include Terry Matthews, Canadian High-Tech Icon who states “The Vitesse program is the type of program that should be fully supported by government because it meets critical industry needs.” The Vitesse Re-skilling model which has been adopted and applied across Canada as well internationally is described in a book edited by Larisa Shavinina, a renown academic and industry advisor on innovation, creativity and excellence.

Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is devoted to the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of Silicon Valley Nature, its history, current state and future developments. The book offers a broad and deeply thematic analysis of one particular innovative cluster Silicon Valley North. The book can be previewed at:
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Certificates of recognitions have been received from OCRI (Ottawa Centre of Research and Innovation), SCOAP (Society of Canadian Office Automation - Information Technology Professionals) Award for Best Initiative Resulting in Positive Social or Community Advancement, and the Conference Board of Canada - Chrysler Award of Excellence.