About Vitesse Re-SkillingTM Canada Inc. With a mandate to meet the constantly evolving needs of high tech industry, Vitesse Re-SkillingTM Canada retrains and re-skills science and engineering graduates to take advantage of current and emerging opportunities in emerging technological areas such as mobile computing, photonics, bioinformatics, microelectronics, wireless communications, and related fields. An independent not-for-profit organization, Vitesse was created through a partnership between the National Research Council Canada (NRC), University of Ottawa, Carleton University and knowledge-sector industries to address the skill shortage in human capital and subsequent barrier to growth ICT and knowledge sectors identified in the Regional Innovation Forum, Ottawa, April 1996. Since its initial inception, Vitesse is expanding across Ontario with the assistance of Ontario Governments Strategic Skills investment Program. In 2003, Vitesse opened its office in Vancouver, BC, heavily focused on Biotechnology with offering of the first biotech certificate program in Canada in Partnership with British Colombia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and establishing the “Canadian Bioinformatics Resource for Industry” (CBRI) jointly with BCIT and the National Research Council (NRC). Vitesse activities and Vitesse Re-skilling model have been expanded globally. Since 2003 Vitesse in collaboration with Canadian and European Universities has developed and delivered five annual NATO, Advanced Research Institutes, the educational international advanced scientific conferences (10-14 day each), and many complementary workshops on Photonics, Bioprocess, Lightwawa Circuit Technology, Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. In 2004, South Africa considered Vitesse Re-skilling model as the main component for workforce development of the country’s “e-strategy”. In January 2009, UK’s House of Commons published the report of their “Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee” on skills and training Polices titled “Re-skilling for Recovery” which is an emphasis on the global acceptance of vitesse Re-skilling concept and model. The success of the Vitesse model lies in its ability to bring career-oriented professionals, educators, and industry partners together and collaboratively shape individualized training solutions - providing new and relevant skills for the knowledge-based economy.