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Dr. Ivan Uzunov
R & D Manager, Optiwave Corporation

Foundations of High Bit Rate Fiber Transmission Systems

For the last 20 years, Dr. Ivan Uzunov has been working in the fields of atmospheric non-linear optics, non-linear fiber optics, quantum electronics, optical solitons, and fibre optic communication systems.

He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in 1981 from the Department of Physics at Sofia University in Bulgaria. His work focused on the optimization of the parameters of lidar with Raman scattering. In 1986, Dr. Uzunov received his PhD degree from the Institute of General Physics in Moscow, Russia. His dissertation was devoted to the theoretical analysis of the instability of laser radiation in media with thermal nonlinearity.

From 1987 to 1992, he worked as a research scientist at the Laboratory of Fibre and Non-linear Optics at the Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences at Sofia University. From 1993 to 1998, he was invited to work as a visiting research scientist for the Faculty of Physics at Friedrich-Schiller University in Germany.

In 1998, he received his Doctor Rerum Naturalium Habilitatus degree from the Faculty of Physics at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena, Germany. This degree is recognized as the highest scientific and teaching degree for physics in Germany, which allows him to teach theoretical physics at any of the universities in the country. The title of his dissertation was: “Soliton propagation and interaction in optical fibres”.  In the same year, he also won the annual award for scientific achievements at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 1999, he received his Doctor of Science degree from the Faculty of Physics at Sofia University in Bulgaria. In the year 2000, he was elected for a member of the High Attestation Commission in Physics for the Bulgarian Government. From 1999 to 2001, he has been working as an associate professor at the Institute of Electronics, head of the Laboratory for Fibre and Non-linear Optics.

He was a member of the Scientific Consul of the Institute of Electronics at Sofia University in Bulgaria and was Chair of Fibre Optics Technical Group of SPIE Bulgaria Chapters. Since 2001, he has been working for Optiwave Corporation located in Ottawa, Canada. As of 2002, he became a research and development manager at Optiwave Corporation.

Dr. Uzunov has published over 84 scientific publications including more than 40 referred journal articles in the area of optics, non-linear fiber optics and optical solitons. His research interests include:  fibre linear and non-linear optics, quantum electronics, optical solitons, fibre optic communication systems, theory of non-linear equations, theoretical methods for analysis of non-linear waves and their interactions, numerical modelling of the non-linear pulse propagation including fibre optics communication systems.