Oral Communication in the Workplace
Description - Listen and ask questions to understand and appreciate the points of view of others
- Workplace specific communication, jargon, idioms
- Meetings - participating, contributing, clarifying
- Using appropriate body language
- Ask questions to clarify ideas/concepts you don't understand
- Appropriate communication etiquette/practices
- Respect the opinions of other
Skills Check-List - Carry on conversations with others and respond to questions they ask
- Express my opinions and ideas to others so they understand me
- Ask the right questions to get the information I need
- Give instructions or explain things clearly to others
- Speak in public or give a speech with confidence
- Change the way I speak for various audiences (e.g. friends, employers, professionals)
- Speak tactfully when resolving a conflict
- Speak assertively so others will be persuaded by my ideas
- Understand and use appropriate body language
- Speak clearly and courteously when using communication tools - e.g. telephone and voice mail