Performance Programs Maximizing the workplace efficacy of new and existing ‘knowledge workers’ often demands a co-requisite set of ‘performance skills’ to complement technical expertise. Following a self assessment individuals register for only those elements that address identified soft skill and acculturation gaps from the following Vitesse Soft Skill modules: - Canadian Workplace Practices (Second workshop coming soon) Register for this 2 day workshop which includes: workplace responsibilities, values & norms, diversity, ESL strategies, working relationships with colleagues & mangers, and maintaining skill currency/ employability.
- Communication Skills - Verbal, non-verbal, questioning, and listening skills. Workplace-specific communication - giving & receiving feedback, IT terminology, voice mail & telephone practices, meetings.
- Interview Skills - Effectively describing your skills, knowledge, and interests in light of the job opening and career plans. Understand the role of pre-interview preparation, research, handling hypothetical situations and networking. Cross-cultural issues.
- Written Communications - incl. Technical Applications - Ability to write clear & concise reports, e-mails, letters and memos appropriate to the audience. Document and illustrate ideas, including the appropriate use of charts, tables, and graphics.
- Self Management/Self-Esteem - Project a positive attitude, exhibit a strong work ethic, be accountable, motivated and confident, show initiative and a quest for ongoing learning, set goals & priorities, be innovative and resourceful, recognize growth in yourself & others, manage time and tasks effectively.
- Teamwork Skills - Ability to share expertise & skills, pool individual strengths, clarify individual and team goals, accept and provide constructive feedback, demonstrated respect, active participation and flexibility. Decision-making skills.
- Presentation Skills - Prepare and deliver clear effective presentations appropriate to audience, use relevant approaches, tools, and technologies, incorporate persuasion & simplicity, respond effectively to questions.