Bioinformatics of Virus Genomes- Course Outline
February 23 - 24, 2005 Burnaby, B.C. CBRi Facility at BCIT-Burnaby Campus Gait Bldg. NE25, Rm. 304 MAP
Program Leader: Dr. Chris Upton
Format of the Course
- Flexible! - Mixture of lecture and lab time - Often many ways to solve a given bioinformatics problem - Choice sometimes is a personal preference - Suggest other solutions to problems - Provide links to other bioinformatics resources
Key Learning Objectives
1. Introduction o Background/experience of participants o Background/experience of presenters and project VirGO o Why do we need specialized bioinformatics tools for analysis of virus genomes? o Problems encountered dealing with large numbers of complete virus genomes 2. Introduction to Software Modules o Virus Orthologous Clusters (VOCs) o Virus Genome Organizer (VGO) o Jdotter o Base-By-Base (BBB) o ReHAB o Genome Fingerprint Scanner (GFS; mass spec searches) 3. Topics for Lecture and Lab Sessions o Comparison of large genomes - Differences in gene complement - Checking genome annotation in variable sites (NAP; tBLASTn) - Tools for displaying co-linearity of genes within genomes (Jdotter, VGO, VOCs) o Genome alignment - Global alignment with Dialign2 - Viewing and correction of alignments with BBB - Detailed summaries and graphical views with BBB o Searching for distant homologs - Comparison of BLASTP and PSI-BLAST - Building families of orthologous proteins o Motif searches in VOCs and BBB o Use of dbEST
**Note: The course outline is subject to change. Please check the website for any updates.