February 22-25, 2005 BIOLOGY for BIOPHOTONICS Interdisciplinary Workshop Location: Vitesse Canada Office Park Place 666 Burrard Street, Suite 1170 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Map
For more information, click here
Past Events in Biophotonics:
September 29-October 9, 2004 NATO Advanced Study Institute International Summer School Biophotonics: From Fundamental Principles to Health, Environment, Security and Defence Applications Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
For more information, click here
February 23-27, 2004 BIOLOGY for BIOPHOTONICS Inter-Disciplinary Study Program Location: National Research Council Canada 1200 Montreal Rd., Bldg. M-55, Rm. 362-363 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
November 13-16, 2003 Canada’s First Biophotonics Primer & Workshop Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Gatineau, Quebec
Organized by: Vitesse Re-SkillingTM Canada Inc. & the Canadian Institute for Photonics Innovation Objective: The objective of the first and unique biophotonics forum in Canada - BioLIGHT 2003 – is to create a cross-disciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange between physicists, photonics engineering professionals, biologists, medical scientists and medical practitioners. BioLIGHT 2003 will provide an opportunity to learn and share expert knowledge on the emerging biophotonics field. Key Topics: The Primer and Workshop will focus on the sciences and technologies for biophotonics as it applies to: Medicine and Health, Biosciences, Environment, Security and Defence · Discussion of potential interplay among various disciplines as it relates to biophotonics · Roundtable discussions for a deeper familiarization with the field · Brainstorming sessions on new research directions, new technologies and business opportunities Key Speakers: Outstanding and internationally recognized Canadian and US experts in medicine, biology, physics, photonics and biomedical engineering.
For more information, click here